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BeeBox Auto-Draw Oil Vaporizer for 510 Thread Cartridges

BeeBox Auto-Draw Oil Vaporizer for 510 Thread Cartridges

Regular price $38.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $38.00 USD
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BeeBox Revised Contents:

1 X 380 mAh BeeBox Auto-Draw Oil Vaporizer
1 X 510 Thread Magnet Adapter
1 X Micro USB Charging Cable
Note: NO Cartridge / VapeTank Included
- Auto Draw Nano Vape Concealer
- Works with most Pre-Filled 510 Thread Cartridges
- High Capacity 380 mAh Battery
- Super Compact & Lightweight
- Stealthy Breathing LED Indicator
- Aerospace Feel & Finish

The new Beebox auto draw concealer for 510 thread cartridges - introduction video. The Beebox is an ultra-thin high-quality concealer vape pen that works with 510 thread cartridges. it is a magnetic concealer for 510 thread tanks. This is the ultimate little vape pen because it is made of Aircraft Aluminum, it is buttonless and very powerful. The team at HoneyStick wanted to make sure clients had good choices for concealers that wanted Elf functionality but newer options and different colors. Coming in Black, Grey, or blue this unit is an elegant and sleek vape pen for any lifestyle.

The BeeBox 510 thread Buttonless Vape Concealer
Fresh out of the Box is the latest Auto-Draw (buttonless) concealer from HoneyStick called the BeeBox. In terms of texture, it uses a High-grade aluminum brushed to perfection as if it is being used to travel into outer space.
The BeeBox Buttonless Mini Mod Vape Battery
With its sensitive draw activation sensor, high current connectors, and 380 MAH battery, if you rip on it too hard you just might end up in orbit with the pulls you get off of this little box. Don't let the size fool you even though it is slim, it can house all of the wider prefilled carts, and switching them in and out using its magnetic adapter makes swapping carts a breeze. Its sleek, lightweight buttonless design allows for easy transport and the opportunity to fly under the radar, just make sure not to exhale too big of a cloud as this little ""best"" can take vapor to the next level."


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